Ferrets are great pets and just like us they are also sensitive. We get calls all the time from IFS members asking questions about how to keep their ferrets happy. The easiest way is to think of them as if they were you. Is the room too cold for you? In that case it is probably cold for your Ferrets too. Is it too hot for you? Then it is also too hot for them. Ferrets can`t digest plants or vegetables very well but they will try raisins and bananas. A little taste won`t hurt, but too much will upset there stomachs, so be careful and use common sense. Don`t give them things that are bad for them even if they want it. They will want to try whatever they see you eating and that is not always the best thing. There are plenty of Ferret treats on the market now so we have no excuse to give our ferrets junk foods, etc. If you do, get ready for problems that could send you and your Ferret running to the Vet for treatment. No Milk! No candy! No Sake! or Beer!
No Kangaroo jerky or Totally Ferret Treats!